Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Valentine's Day Message

February 14th is here again... Valentine's Day. 

A day for couples, of mushy messages, over-priced flowers and designer chocolates (or in today's trend... designer handbags, earrings, dresses, shoes, etc.). It sounds commercialized, and it ACTUALLY is, but what's the significance anyway?

I guess many just join in the celebrations without giving much thought into the essence of it all - the relationship itself. I'm no expert on the subject, trust me, but in the middle of the hustle & bustle of life, I do know 1 thing - if you wanna make it work, then it takes a lot of effort, a pinch of tolerance & understanding, and a spoonful of humor.  

Relationships, like all things, needs nurturing. I mean, how many of us have fallen into the trap of being mundane? We get so comfortable with our other half that we completely forget how it used to be. The passion fades away and sometimes holding a normal conversation with him/her will seem so hard. The world takes a lot out of us daily; it drains our energy and sometimes even our soul for the never-ending pursuit of wealth and luxury. And there are also some people who work so hard just to get by. 

At the end of the day, do we really need to put in that extra, say 5%, just to make our relationships work? Isn't working hard & slogging it out day in and day out enough to show you care? Although many things are judged on how much you have in your wallet, not every thing can be valued so. Working hard and earning mega bucks doesn't show how much you care; it just means you're good at your job. And if you have a family, it becomes your obligation. We each have choices in our life regardless of who you are or where you're from. The ability to affect your life and the life of another lies within us and not on external factors. If you want to make things work, you have got to go out there and prove it by actually doing something. 

So... to the guys out there: don't take your woman for granted. They gave you their heart and trusted you not to break it. It's something they value very much.

And to the girls: don't take advantage of your man. They don't owe you anything. Although you settled for him in the midst of searching for Prince Charming, please remember that you might not be Snow White either. As much as you accepted him for what he is, so did he with all your flaws and pimples as well.

So value your other half and make a difference... not because you should, but because you can.