Saturday, March 24, 2012

The ravings of a lunatic!

As I lay on my bed, staring pensively at the ceiling, my thoughts are everywhere & thus depriving me of my much needed sleep! But what could possibly be playing on my mind at 1.30am?!! - Lots. 

Maybe it's the situation I'm in now or maybe I'm just a cursed thinker. I think too much - that's for sure. But I really can't help it. It's just... ME! I can't seem to turn it off even if I want to. Hahaha...

I can't believe my mind couldn't possibly pick a better time to be so philosophical. Has it got to be now? - Who am I kidding? It's not just now, many things have been swirling in my head for some time.. just screaming to get out. 

There are many things I wanna get off my chest & I should too! So many opinions, and thoughts, and feelings of insecurity, anger and guilt, on so many issues. Where do I stand on this? What do I think of that? I understand that what I think (and feel) & how I do things are not necessarily applicable to everyone.. but I just want to break down, rave like an absolute lunatic about how life can be such a b*tch for about 10 good minutes, collect myself & put the pieces back together again (with a helping hand from someone special) & then get on with life.

Sounds weird right? Life has never been fair & it's tough on everyone at some point. It breaks us, toys with our emotions, and spits us back out again. But, it's good to just fall apart once in a while on your own, just so that you can clean the parts, put it back together again & move forward stronger.